Joe Welch

Spring Forest Qigong Instructor

Peace on Earth Meditation

Spring 2009 Peace on Earth Meditation

St. Maron’s Church, Cedars Hall*
602 University Avenue NE – Minneapolis, Minnesota


On January 4, 2009, more than 400 people joined their energies in meditating for peace on earth. The first metro-wide Peace on Earth Meditation was so inspiring for so many participants that a quarterly Peace on Earth Meditation has been established. Each quarter a different tradition will guide the meditation, which will be preceded by chanting when possible.

The next meditation is April 16, and you are warmly invited to join in the experience. Let’s come together again at St. Maron’s Church, Cedars Hall, in northeast Minneapolis. This is a great space for a large group of meditators. In January there was an overflow crowd and all the chairs were filled. Please arrive early enough to settle in, and BYOC: bring your own cushion if you are a floor sitter.

The April gathering will be a Buddhist metta meditation led by Sosan Theresa Flynn, temple priest at the Clouds in Water Zen Center. Chanting starts at 7:15 p.m. and will be led by Raisei Marc Anderson, an internationally-known percussionist and a student at the Clouds in Water Zen Center.

To create this community of meditators, invitations are e-mailed to all the meditation and yoga centers we know. From there the word is passed on from individual to individual, so please share this invitation and bring a friend.

This is a free event. Donations received are used to cover the rental fee for the meditation hall.

*St. Maron’s is located directly across from the Meditation Center (631 University Avenue NE) next to Emily’s Lebanese Deli. Parking lot and on-street parking are available.

Upcoming Peace on Earth Meditations

  • Saturday, July 25, at the University of St. Thomas

Founding Spiritual Director of the Meditation Center, Swami Veda Bharati, is in town from India for the Meditation Center’s interfaith weekend and summer programs. Swami Veda will guide the peace meditation.

  • October (date to be determined) at St. Maron’s Church
  • January, 2010 (date to be determined), at St. Maron’s Church

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